Thursday, February 12, 2015

Zach's blog: Our Little One

Whitney is taking over my blog this week! Here’s her blog, below:

There are no words to express the joy and fulfillment that comes with being a parent! Zach and I both have always enjoyed being around children, but nothing can compare to holding your own little one. There is such a bond of love. Any last minute trips to the store to buy diaper wipes, or any middle of the night feedings, or any adjustment to our schedule to accommodate for a new family member seems like no sacrifice at all! I enjoy every precious moment we have together! We are so grateful for the opportunity to have Bradley. We know many families might not have had that opportunity, and we don’t want to ever take our time together for granted. We recognize the huge responsibility that comes with parenting, and we are looking to the Lord for guidance all along the way. In the meantime, we are counting our blessings and thanking God for each memory each day. We have already seen how time flies, but each new day has brought new joys! I’m treasuring the moments!

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