Thursday, February 12, 2015

Alyssa's blog: What Would We Do Without FaceTime?

All I have to say is, I’m so thankful that FaceTime exists! Now that I live in Florida and far away from my family, video chatting has been such a lifesaver for us all to keep in touch. It has been especially helpful during my pregnancy… I know that talking to my mom (almost in person) is just a phone call away! It’s so cute when the whole family tries to video call; no one can seem to get a word in. I definitely miss being able to go to the house, but Florida has been a great new place to call home. I wish I could have been there for Bradley’s birth, but it was totally magical to watch it all on TV. Zach and Whitney make the best parents! I’m also SO incredibly excited for Erin and Chad… my big sister is going to be a mommy :)

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