Friday, August 24, 2018

Evan turns 23!

Happy 23rd Birthday Evan! 
For those that don't know, Carlin and Evan have been in a courtship since August 5, 2017.


  1. Happy Birthday Evan

  2. Happy Birthday Evan!

    1. Happy Birthday Evan!#23 Wow!You have your entire life ahead of you!Live it fully for Jesus and you can't go wrong.Pray with every single decision for Him to guide your steps.May God bless you!

    2. Happy 23rd birthday Evan.You have your entire life ahead of you!Live every moment for Jesus!Remember to always pray over every decision you have to make.You can never go wrong doing things God's way!With His way there's never any regrets or second guessing.God bless you and Carlin!


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