Tuesday, April 30, 2019
April Recap
The family celebrated four birthdays. They also celebrated Easter. Bringing Up Bates aired it mid-season finale.
Monday, April 29, 2019
Baby shower part 2
Yesterday, we posted photos of Kelton and Josie's baby shower for their sweet baby girl and today we are posting the rest of them.
Duggar family Update: April 2019
We have some exciting news to share with you regarding the Duggar family!
Ben and Jessa are about to welcome their third child in about two months.
In April 2019, Joseph and Kendra announced that they are expecting their second child in October 2019.
In April 2019, Dillon and Amy King announced that they are expecting their first child in October 2019. If you don't know that Amy is the Duggar family's cousin.

In April 2019, Josh and Anna announced that they are expecting their sixth child in November 2019.
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Kelton and Josie's baby shower
We are so excited to share photos from Kelton and Josie's baby shower. We will be sharing new photos tomorrow on our blog!
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Countdown to wedding: Four Weeks to go!
Carlin and Evan only have four more weeks until their May wedding! We are trying to figure out the wedding announcement post right now.
May birthdays and anniversary cover
We are so excited to share our May Birthdays and anniversary cover. We can't wait to see Evan and Carlin's wedding later in May!
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Monday, April 22, 2019
Wedding shower
Carlin and Evan only have a few more weeks until their May 25th wedding. This past weekend, they had their wedding shower and it was a big success.
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Easter 2019
We hope that our readers have a wonderful Easter with your family and friends.
Be sure to stay tune later this week for more photos of the Bates family celebrating Easter.
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Growing Up Grandbabies
We have two new photos of Kaci Bates and her cousins Carson and Brooklyn Paine.
Brooklyn and Carson are a little over a year apart in age while Brooklyn and Kaci are just a few weeks apart in age.
Brooklyn and Carson are a little over a year apart in age while Brooklyn and Kaci are just a few weeks apart in age.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Michaella and the grandkids
We know that our readers are eagly awaiting the September return of Bringing Up Bates. The network has yet to announce the return date. We will keep you updated on their return.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Recap: It’s a boy & maybe one more?
Tori was hoping for an all-natural birth with baby Kade but
she ends up taking an epidural so she can relax and sleep to enjoy the birth.
She describes the epidural as heaven on earth.
Bobby reveals that it’s a rough feeling for him to see his
wife in pain while giving birth to their child. He says that there is no way
for you to give her assurance since today is the day and that you just must be there
for her and understand how she is feeling.
Gi’s role at the birth is to be the prayer warrior since he
is never in the room during the birth but near by in either the hallway or the
lobby. Gil reveals that he and Everly were really close in communication with God
because she was asleep during his prayers.
The nurse arrives to find out that Tori is at 10 centimeters
which means that she can start pushing. Tori is a little worried that she is
going to drop him. She reveals that she was so excited and terrified to meet her
little boy. It felt that it was an eternity pushing and then all the sudden he
is there. The doctor lays the baby on her chest and Tori is relieved and shares
a sweet moment with her and Bobby.
Bobby says that there is going to be significance in his
life now with everything that Kade will be looking up to him. Kelly, Erin and
Carlin enjoy the moment too. Kade wrapped his hand and wrapped it around Erin’s
hand and she melt.
Tori is moved into a different room where she will be staying
until released from the hospital as Gil and Everly come to meet the newest
grandchild of the Bates family.
Six weeks have gone by and the family is gather for their Christmas
party where they introduce Kade to everyone. Tori says that her son stole the
Gil and Kelly have a surprise for the kids and they open a
present that has a dog bowl in it. They got a new puppy name JJ as a family pet.
The last animal that they had recently passed away and his name was Johnny.
Brandon and Michaella decided to make gingerbread houses
with the grandbabies. Michaella feels that she is in her element.
Kelton and Josie
arrive later that day since they are busy at work. They give Gil and Kelly a
gift which contains a baby onesie that reveals that Baby Balka is EST 2019.
They are having the 10th grandchild in July 2019. Both of the expectant
parents are shocked since they just got married not too long ago. Josie says
that they weren’t expecting to get pregnant so fast. She is excited but terrified.
Nathan says that now that his little sister is expecting her
first child, it makes you wonder what he is doing with his life.
Gil is so excited about the new grandbaby and can’t wait to
meet it.
Carlin turns 21
Happy 21st birthday Carlin Bates!
Earlier this week, we shared that this will be our last birthday post for Carlin as a Bates. Next year, she will be a married gal!
Be sure to check out Allie Jane's fourth birthday post by clicking here.
Allie turns 4
Happy fourth birthday Allie Jane!
As many of you know that Allie shares her birthday with her aunt (Carlin), be sure to click here to wish her a happy birthday.
Check out our other posts on Allie Jane by clicking here.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Mid-Season finale TOMORROW!
Bringing Up Bates is about to air their season finale tomorrow night on UP TV but don't worry, we won't have to wait for long. The show will return in September 2019 with brand new episodes.
We are awaiting news about season nine so stay tune for that update.
We are awaiting news about season nine so stay tune for that update.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
All about Kade: Five months old
We can't believe that Kade is five months old today. We know that you all are waiting for his birth episode to air on Bringing Up Bates and it's about to this week!
We posted a new photo of Kade and his parents last month so be sure to click here to see it.
We are sorry that we missed his fourth month old update but there was not very much different from his third month update.
This past month, his family moved back closer to the Bates family and are adjusting to that move right now.
We posted a new photo of Kade and his parents last month so be sure to click here to see it.
We are sorry that we missed his fourth month old update but there was not very much different from his third month update.
This past month, his family moved back closer to the Bates family and are adjusting to that move right now.
Monday, April 8, 2019
Carlin's last birthday as a Bates
It's hard to believe that this year will mark Carlin's last birthday as a single woman. As many of you know that she will be getting married on May 25th so next year, she will be a Stewart.
As many of you know that she will be celebrating her twenty-first birthday (Check it out on April 11th).
As many of you know that she will be celebrating her twenty-first birthday (Check it out on April 11th).
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Paine's 1st birthday photos
We thought that it would be nice to share each one of the Paine children's first birthdays.
In May 2016, Chad and Erin celebrated their oldest child's first birthday.
In August 2017, Chad and Erin celebrated their second child's first birthday.
In March 2019, Chad and Erin celebrated their third child's first birthday.
Check out the other posts:
* Carson's first birthday
* Carson's first birthday photos
* Brooklyn's first birthday
* Everly's first birthday
Photo Credit: Taryn Yager Photography, Chad and Erin Paine
In March 2019, Chad and Erin celebrated their third child's first birthday.
Check out the other posts:
* Carson's first birthday
* Carson's first birthday photos
* Brooklyn's first birthday
* Everly's first birthday
Photo Credit: Taryn Yager Photography, Chad and Erin Paine
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Bates/Stewart Wedding Update
We are so excited that we have a little over a month until
Carlin and Evan’s wedding and they just released more information and a wedding
Carlin and Evan have chosen to have 24 people in their wedding
party which means that she will have the largest since her sister Tori’s wedding.
Erin and Chad had five couples
Tori and Bobby had ten couples
Michaella, Alyssa, Josie and Zach each had
between six to eight couples
Carlin has chosen to have two matrons of honor (Erin Paine
and Whitney Bates), ten bridesmaids (Michaella Keilen, Alyssa Webster, Tori
Smith, Josie Balka, Katie Bates, Joy Forysth and four of Evan’s sisters Ashley,
Kailyn, Maegan, and Brittany), and two junior bridesmaids (Addallee and Ellie).
Callie and two of Evan’s nieces will be the flower girls.
Evan has chosen his brother, Ethan to be his best man. His
eleven groomsmen will be Zach Bates, Chad Paine, Lawson Bates, Trace Bates,
Bobby Smith, John Webster, Kelton Balka, Nathan Bates, Brandon Keilen and his
brothers-in-law Ben and Daniel. Jackson, Warden, Isaiah Bates will be an ushers
along with Justin Duggar. Jeb and Judson will serve as ring bearers.
The officiants of the wedding will be Carlin’s father (Gil Bates) and a pastor (Dr. Frank Gagliano) from Evan’s church.
The officiants of the wedding will be Carlin’s father (Gil Bates) and a pastor (Dr. Frank Gagliano) from Evan’s church.
Be sure to check out their wedding website: http://www.carlinandevan.wedding/
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