Saturday, September 7, 2019

Update on Alyssa's health

We are so excited for Alyssa as she got good news today at her doctor appointment.
This is what she said: Today is a GOOD DAY!
We all went to my first doctor appointment since surgery. After an EKG (electrocardiogram) and ECHO (echocardiogram) my doctor said everything looks great. As far as he can see my arrhythmia is gone. I am SOOOO HAPPY for such an excellent report!
I will go back in 6 months just to make sure I’m not having any issues but as far as things stand right now I AM HEALED!
There is a chance the arrhythmia could return but there’s no way to know that for sure. I guess time will tell but I am obviously hoping for the best and that this is alllllllll behind me.  So many tears shed and prayers prayed that this day would come. God is merciful and I am eternally grateful.


  1. I'm going to have The Wolf mini-maze done where they burn a very small part of my heart (45 min) and puts my heart back into normal rhythm. God Bless!

  2. Oh Precious One, How elated am I to read this Awesome Report! Our God is an Awesome God! He sent his son to Save, Heal, & Deliver Us, & He is doing a work in you!!! Thank You Lord for Alyssa's healing!!! So Grateful that his will has manifested in your heart!!! Love in Christ Jesus, Loretta Meggs, South Carolina

  3. so glad to hear this! thanks for sharing

  4. MaryBeth Wells-NeiceSeptember 8, 2019 at 5:41 AM

    Praise God!

  5. I am so happy for you Alyssa! That is such great news! God is great!

  6. Stay away from any caffeine. I have the same condition.

  7. Great news!! So happy for you!!


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