Friday, January 3, 2025

John and Alyssa say goodbye

John and Alyssa have chosen to leave YouTube for now.
They share that they have chosen to step back on social media as their children get older. 

They did share that they might post big events and have enjoyed being on YouTube. 


  1. This is sad. I enjoyed their videos. Susie

  2. While im not totally surprised, this still made me very sad that they had to pull away because of hateful, hurtful, comments from the public. Especially when its directed at your children. I certainly understand and would do the same. Keyboard warriors are everywhere and unfortunately ruin it for everyone else. That's wonderful of them to still plan on sharing special moments/events when/if they feel it's appropriate. God bless their beautiful family in all ways,always. 😊

  3. Okay whatever is best for their family!

  4. Your family is so special and beautiful! I enjoy watching each of the videos. You are great parents and are showing others that families are wonderful and stay at home moms are the best. God bless you. ❤️

  5. This makes me sad, but I understand. You need t do what's right for your family, their safety and well-being. I will look forward to your periodic updates. Happy New Year and God bless each one of you!


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