Thursday, July 25, 2024

Baby Boy's name reveal

We are so excited that Lawson and Tiffany have announced their baby's name right before his big arrival. 

His name will be William Daniel. 

The baby is named after Lawson, Gil, and his grandfather. He is also named after Tiffany's dad.

He will be here soon. 


  1. William is a nice name, I was rooting for Wyatt or Lawson but the name is family namesake packed so sweet

    1. Will he go by William or Daniel?

  2. The names that they have chosen are beautiful. His first and middle names will serve him well whether he is a baby or an adult man.

  3. Doesn’t Erin also have a son named William?? Seems I heard them call the baby Willie. Wonder what this William will be called? Lovely name.

  4. so, now there will be grandkids name william affter he is here, wasn't Erin (Bates) Paine youngest child also name William Gage Paine


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