Zach and Whitney get ready for Chad and Erin for dinner. Bradley melts his aunt's heart when he gives Carson a small kiss. Whitney and Erin talk about having girls and how the boys will react with it. Zach asked if Chad can make one for Bradley. Bradley gives his cousin a hug. Zach gives Bradley a taste of cold whip.
While Gil and Kelly talk about a birthday party for one of the boys, Nathan comes into talk to Gil and Kelly about his courtship. Click here to see the status of their relationship.
Lawson heads to work on his music career. Lawson gets advice on his music. Lawson talks about his upcoming tour
The boys head to cut down some wood to keep the cost down. Nathan reveals that his father tries to include the little boys in a lot of what they do. The girls reveal that it is mostly the boys together. He gives the glasses to Jeb.
Nathan and Lawson talk about what they went through as child. The boys get into a competition. Lawson helps Jeb with his cutting wood. When Gil brings the truck and runs over Judson's bike.
Judson sees his bike and starts to get upset. Gil gives his son a hug and promises to replace it which he does. Judson is happy again.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
The status of Nathan and Ashley's courtship!
They decided to separate as of right now. Both Nathan and Ashley have decided to be friends for right now
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
All about Bradley: Twenty months old!
Bradley is now 20 months old and it's hard to believe that in four months, he will be two!
In case you haven't heard that Bradley is now a big brother! Kaci was born nine days ago! We also have a ton of photos to share with you and some are with his baby sister!
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Kaci's Newborn photos sneak peak!
We were going to wait until Monday to share her newborn photos.
Zach and Whitney had their friend, Taryn Yager, take the newborn photos. We will have more in her two week update!
Preview: Tough Decisions and Large Ambitions
Lawson travels to Nashville to make exciting new plans for his music career; Nathan shares some unexpected news.
31 weeks pregnant
Erin is 9 weeks until she is due! We were told that she will be induced early in July!
When do you think Brooklyn will arrive?
Monday, June 27, 2016
All about Kaci: One week old
Kaci is now a week old! It is hard to believe that she is one week old. We were surprised that Kaci was born on last Monday.
She just recently went home with her mother and father!
She just recently went home with her mother and father!
We will see you next week for her second week of life!
Sunday, June 26, 2016
July Birthday Cover
We are super excited to released our July Birthday cover!
Just a friendly note that we did check with UP TV to see if putting Brooklyn in this month's cover is alright and they said yes it was!
We did make an extra one just in case with just Lawson!
Just a friendly note that we did check with UP TV to see if putting Brooklyn in this month's cover is alright and they said yes it was!
We did make an extra one just in case with just Lawson!
What to expect this week?
Sunday: What to expect this week?, July Birthday Cover
Monday: All about Kaci: One week old
Tuesday: 31 weeks pregnant, Preview
Wednesday: All about Bradley: 20 months old
Thursday: Journey to parenthood: Two months left (Last update?), Recap, Nathan and Ashley's courting update
Friday: July 2016
Saturday: Most asked questions
Monday: All about Kaci: One week old
Tuesday: 31 weeks pregnant, Preview
Wednesday: All about Bradley: 20 months old
Thursday: Journey to parenthood: Two months left (Last update?), Recap, Nathan and Ashley's courting update
Friday: July 2016
Saturday: Most asked questions
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Bates at a wedding!
All about Kaci: Introduction!
Welcome to the World Kaci Lynn!
She was born on June 20th making her the first Bates birthday in the month! She weight 7lb and 8 ozs and was 21.5 inches long!
Many of you have asked if Bradley was present at the birth and we do not think so. You have also asked about how long we will be doing the updates and we have the answer for you! We will be doing weekly updates until she turns one month old and then it will go to monthly updates just like her brother and cousins.
Did you know that she and Bradley are only 19 months apart?
We will see you on Monday for the next update!
Friday, June 24, 2016
Kaci's Birth Story!

Meeting Baby Sister!
In case you missed, Kaci's birth announcement and Zach and Whitney's sweet message, they welcomed their first daughter into the world on Monday night! Her due date was tomorrow! We are so excited for the family of four and will be adding more photos but we could not help but share this photo of Bradley and Kaci!
Aren't they so cute?
Be sure to check out the blog for All about Kaci: Introduction which will have her stats
Aren't they so cute?
Be sure to check out the blog for All about Kaci: Introduction which will have her stats
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Recap: Sunshine States Bates
Erin and Kelly went over to Zach and Whitney's house to find out what to do with the kids room. Erin suggest that Whitney dived the room in half so they could each have a section of the room. Kelly thinks about painting a mural since the room looks like a sky but Erin shuts that idea down.
John and Alyssa share their business and how they are handling it. Alyssa reveals that she is not expecting at this time.
Lawson heads to visit AJ and celebrate his last treatment. AJ is very surprised to see Lawson there. The hospital is so sweet to throw AJ a party. Lawson was happy to be there and gives him a lesson.
Lawson and AJ sing Amazing Grace and it's beyond cute. AJ's family is thankful that Lawson was there for them.
John and Alyssa head to the softball field where all John's family is there. John reveals that he loves being with his family.
The family thinks that Alyssa and John just hanged at the beach and shop all the time. The family talk about how the Bates and Websters like to play a little different.
The boys are heading to up to hopefully finished it after six months. Callie thinks that the fort is not done because they don't like working. Gil calls out the girls to paint the fort red. The family is all about teamwork. The family got the fort done after six months.
John and Alyssa share their business and how they are handling it. Alyssa reveals that she is not expecting at this time.
Lawson heads to visit AJ and celebrate his last treatment. AJ is very surprised to see Lawson there. The hospital is so sweet to throw AJ a party. Lawson was happy to be there and gives him a lesson.
Lawson and AJ sing Amazing Grace and it's beyond cute. AJ's family is thankful that Lawson was there for them.
John and Alyssa head to the softball field where all John's family is there. John reveals that he loves being with his family.
The family thinks that Alyssa and John just hanged at the beach and shop all the time. The family talk about how the Bates and Websters like to play a little different.
The boys are heading to up to hopefully finished it after six months. Callie thinks that the fort is not done because they don't like working. Gil calls out the girls to paint the fort red. The family is all about teamwork. The family got the fort done after six months.
Our New cover!
We were going to wait until Saturday to reveal our new cover but decided to changed our cover early! We have yet to posted here because we decided to change the days.
We hope that you like it!
We were originally going to use this one but decided to use the one above!
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Gil and Kelly's sweet message
Gil and Kelly posted this sweet message and photo of their son as he and Whitney welcomed their daughter, Kaci Lynn, into the world.
Zach, who would have thought you would have grown up so fast and already have two children of your own?! I'm so proud of you and Whitney! It's a precious sight to see your family together! We are rejoicing over Kaci's safe arrival and anticipate watching Bradley and Kaci become best friends!
Zach, who would have thought you would have grown up so fast and already have two children of your own?! I'm so proud of you and Whitney! It's a precious sight to see your family together! We are rejoicing over Kaci's safe arrival and anticipate watching Bradley and Kaci become best friends!
Zach and Whitney's sweet message!
We were overcome with
emotions that just cannot be described when we saw our little Kaci Lynn
and held her in our arms for the first time....We thank the many who
have prayed for us and have sent sweet messages throughout this
pregnancy. We also thank the Lord for His protection and His gift of our
two precious children.
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
30 weeks pregnant
It is hard to believe that Erin is now 30 weeks pregnant with her second child!
This past week, we got to watch when Chad and Erin revealed the news to the family!
This past week, we got to watch when Chad and Erin revealed the news to the family!
Preview: Sunshine State Bates
Alyssa and John get a visit in Florida and share their plans about
expanding their family; Jackson, Warden and Isaiah work on a fort.
Monday, June 20, 2016
Mother and son!
Erin posted on her Instagram this adorable photo of her and Carson. Erin is currently 29 weeks and 6 days pregnant with Brooklyn.
Visiting Big Sister!
Judson and Jeb were able to go see Michaella and Brandon in Chicago! Here are a few snapshots of that trip!
Sneak Peak Previews!
We are so excited to share the new episodes that will be airing in the month of July!
The Big Chili
July 7, 2016
The Bates family performs at the annual Volunteer Fire Department Chili Fundraiser.
The Great Bates Clean-up
July 14, 2016
The Bates family does some spring cleaning with Kelly Jo leading the project; Gil gets sentimental about getting rid of things.
Bates say the darnedest things
July 21, 2016
Taking a look back and highlighting the funniest and wackiest things the Bates kids have said and done.
Birthdays and Boyfriends
July 28, 2016
Allie Jane and Carlin share a big birthday bash back in Florida; Kelly Jo and Gil meet Tori's boyfriend's family.
July 7, 2016
The Bates family performs at the annual Volunteer Fire Department Chili Fundraiser.
The Great Bates Clean-up
July 14, 2016
The Bates family does some spring cleaning with Kelly Jo leading the project; Gil gets sentimental about getting rid of things.
Bates say the darnedest things
July 21, 2016
Taking a look back and highlighting the funniest and wackiest things the Bates kids have said and done.
Birthdays and Boyfriends
July 28, 2016
Allie Jane and Carlin share a big birthday bash back in Florida; Kelly Jo and Gil meet Tori's boyfriend's family.
Please remember that the titles are subject to change so make sure that you tune into preview Tuesdays!
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Happy Father's day Chad
Happy Father's day Chad!
This year marks his second father's day with Carson. It is hard to think that next year he will be a father to two babies when father's day come around!
Happy Father's day Gil!
Happy Father's day Gil!
The Bates kids, along with Kelly Jo, sat down with UP TV to film a special video for Gil and we would love to share it with you all.
Happy Father's day Zach!
Happy Father's day Zach!
This year marks his second father's day with his son, Bradley. At this current time (June 17, 2016), Kaci has not arrived just yet and if she has then it will be a birth announcement!
Father's day!
Today marks Father's day and that means that Gil, John, Zach, and Chad are celebrating being a father.
What to expect this week? (updated June 21)
On June 19th:
Sunday: What to expect this week?, Father's day
Monday: Sneak Peak Preview
Tuesday: Preview, 30 weeks pregnant
Wednesday: Baby Watch #3
Thursday: Recap
Friday: Baby Watch #4
Saturday: Kaci's due date and 40 weeks pregnant
*** Please note that the Baby watch updates are not set in stone until the morning of the new blog. Kaci could be born at any time so we might be updating this! ****
On June 21:
Sunday: What to expect this week?, Father's day
Monday: Sneak Peak Preview
Tuesday: Preview, 30 weeks pregnant, Kaci's birth announcement
Wednesday: Zach and Whitney's sweet words
Thursday: Recap
Friday: Meeting Baby Sister!
Saturday: All about Kaci: Introduction!, New cover photo
Sunday: What to expect this week?, Father's day
Monday: Sneak Peak Preview
Tuesday: Preview, 30 weeks pregnant
Wednesday: Baby Watch #3
Thursday: Recap
Friday: Baby Watch #4
Saturday: Kaci's due date and 40 weeks pregnant
*** Please note that the Baby watch updates are not set in stone until the morning of the new blog. Kaci could be born at any time so we might be updating this! ****
On June 21:
Sunday: What to expect this week?, Father's day
Monday: Sneak Peak Preview
Tuesday: Preview, 30 weeks pregnant, Kaci's birth announcement
Wednesday: Zach and Whitney's sweet words
Thursday: Recap
Friday: Meeting Baby Sister!
Saturday: All about Kaci: Introduction!, New cover photo
Saturday, June 18, 2016
39 weeks pregnant
Zach and Whitney are due to welcome their second child in one week! Today marks 39 weeks pregnant and Whitney is ready to have this baby girl.
Today also means that Whitney is full term at 39 weeks! We are very much on baby watch and can't wait for her to be here.
Be sure to check out the blog for her birth announcement which will be very soon! We might see you for week 40 but we don't know yet.
Today also means that Whitney is full term at 39 weeks! We are very much on baby watch and can't wait for her to be here.
Be sure to check out the blog for her birth announcement which will be very soon! We might see you for week 40 but we don't know yet.
Friday, June 17, 2016
Throwback Friday: Jeb Colton
It is hard to believe four years ago, Jeb was born. Jeb will be celebrating his 5th birthday in February!
Did you know that we started this blog when Jeb was only a week old?
Did you know that we started this blog when Jeb was only a week old?
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Baby watch: update #2
As of before tonight's episode, Kelly gave an update on Kaci and Whitney.....
Kaci hasn't arrived yet but Whitney feels like it could be any time.
Also I need to look to see how many updates I did with Bradley before he arrived.
So leave a comment letting us know when you think she will be here. For me, I think that she will be here on Father's day!
Stay tune for our next update on Saturday!
Kaci hasn't arrived yet but Whitney feels like it could be any time.
Also I need to look to see how many updates I did with Bradley before he arrived.
So leave a comment letting us know when you think she will be here. For me, I think that she will be here on Father's day!
Stay tune for our next update on Saturday!
Recap: A lovely Day
The family is preparing for their I love you day. The family gets their first couple which is Nathan and Ashley. (See their courtship announcement)
Gil and Kelly head out to have lunch with Nathan and Ashley. Ashley talks about how they met and what she liked and admit that they both have concerns. Kelly admits that she is proud of her son and Ashley and share what is going on.
Tori opens about Bobby right as John, Alyssa and Allie arrive to the house. Allie is about ten months old. Next to arrive is Brandon and Michaella and they are so excited to be home.
Kelly calls a family meeting to talk about the meeting. The boys have been told that they are cooking.
Next to arrive is Bobby. Tori reveals that Bobby only has two sisters while Tori has 18 brothers and sisters.
Lawson admits that it is a little weird that everyone is bringing into the house. Kelly says that it is the Bates mafia.
Mama Jane and Papa Bill arrived to the house and it was super nice to see them. Bobby gets introduce to them.
Everyone sets up for the party even the little boys. Kelly ends up with the boys since Gil doesn't normally cook.
The family passes out gifts and Erin hands out the gift which had a baby announcement. (See that announcement)
The family is surprised that Chad and Erin were expecting.
The boys are in a competition where Gil, John, Chad and Brandon vs Lawson, Nathan, Bobby and Trace. The boys served their siblings food.
Papa Bill announces that the single guys wins!
Kelly and Gil talk about the future of their family!
Gil and Kelly head out to have lunch with Nathan and Ashley. Ashley talks about how they met and what she liked and admit that they both have concerns. Kelly admits that she is proud of her son and Ashley and share what is going on.
Tori opens about Bobby right as John, Alyssa and Allie arrive to the house. Allie is about ten months old. Next to arrive is Brandon and Michaella and they are so excited to be home.
Kelly calls a family meeting to talk about the meeting. The boys have been told that they are cooking.
Next to arrive is Bobby. Tori reveals that Bobby only has two sisters while Tori has 18 brothers and sisters.
Lawson admits that it is a little weird that everyone is bringing into the house. Kelly says that it is the Bates mafia.
Mama Jane and Papa Bill arrived to the house and it was super nice to see them. Bobby gets introduce to them.
Everyone sets up for the party even the little boys. Kelly ends up with the boys since Gil doesn't normally cook.
The family passes out gifts and Erin hands out the gift which had a baby announcement. (See that announcement)
The family is surprised that Chad and Erin were expecting.
The boys are in a competition where Gil, John, Chad and Brandon vs Lawson, Nathan, Bobby and Trace. The boys served their siblings food.
Papa Bill announces that the single guys wins!
Kelly and Gil talk about the future of their family!
Coming Up Tonight!
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Trivia answers
1. Who is Jeb's best buddy?
Trace, Gil and Kelly
2. who can get Jeb to listen to Carlin and Tori?
3. Who went with Chad and Erin to watch Carson?
4. Why did Jeb not like riding with his dad?
Because he drove to fast
5. Who baked the cake?
Trace, Gil and Kelly
2. who can get Jeb to listen to Carlin and Tori?
3. Who went with Chad and Erin to watch Carson?
4. Why did Jeb not like riding with his dad?
Because he drove to fast
5. Who baked the cake?
Ten months of marriage!
Brandon and Michaella are celebrating their 10th month of marriage. It is hard to believe that they are getting closer to their first year of marriage.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
2.5 years of marriage!
Zach and Whitney are celebrating their 2.5 years of marriage today!
They are currently expecting their second child which is due any day!
Preview: A lovely day
The whole family arrives at the Bates house to celebrate their favorite holiday, ‘I Love You Day’ AND there’s someone new at the table – Tori’s new beau! The family is happy to see Michaella and Alyssa return home, as well as Nathan’s girlfriend, Ashley, who arrives for the celebration to have a very important conversation with Kelly Jo and Gil. Later, at the family’s celebration someone in the family makes a very special announcement!
All about Carson: 13 months old!
29 weeks pregnant and new photos
In just 11 weeks, Chad and Erin will be due to welcome their second child together. They are beyond excited for their daughter's arrival!
We recently posted new photos of Chad and Erin while they were at the beach with their son Carson that we would love to share with you.
Fun fact: Today Carson is turning 13 months old!
We recently posted new photos of Chad and Erin while they were at the beach with their son Carson that we would love to share with you.
Fun fact: Today Carson is turning 13 months old!
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