Friday, January 23, 2015

Recap: Training Up Bates

Gil and Kelly are getting ready to take a trip to North Carolina to visit Kelly's mom with 11 of their children. Kelly insist the younger kids to help. Gil and Kelly are working on child training with their youngest children.
The older Bates kids say that their mom and dad have become less strict over the years but Kelly reveals that she wants to spoil the youngest while Gil says that they are tried. One of the ways that the kids practice is getting in a line from youngest to the oldest.
The next day, The family goes to Aunt Kim's flower shop and Gil says that Jeb in a flower shop is real life. The youngest struggles to obey no touch rule and has to be talked to many time time. Kelly thinks that two years are terrififc and they have full of energy.
Later the family goes shopping for toys and clothes. The family loves to save money at 50 and 75% off.
Michaella is busy with work and says that she doesn't see her boyfriend popping the question any time soon since he had to use all of his saving. Brandon wants to be more stable before marrying her.
Erin hopes that she is pregnant and so she and Chad heads to the doctor to find out if they are expecting their first child. Erin is scared due to the recent ultrasounds that they have had.  Chad and Erin learn that they are expecting when the ultrasound picks up a heartbeat. Erin is so sexcited that she is pregnant and hopes that its a little boy.
Erin has a blood clotting disorder which eans that she has to take shots twice a day throughout her pregnancy. The Doctor gives Chad directions to give his wife the shots. She reveals that she is not a fan of needles but it's worth it at the end.

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