Thursday, February 19, 2015

Zach's blog: The Art of Diaper Changing

Changing a baby boy is definitely a learning experience. This is all brand new for me and Whitney. We’ve learned the key is to keep them moving and to be FAST with the diaper change. If you’re not, you may get an unpleasant surprise ;)

Bonding with Bradley has been the greatest thing to ever happen to us, and it sure is a beautiful thing to watch Whitney with him! Becoming a dad is unlike anything I can begin to explain, but I am enjoying every single second of it. Whitney and I feel like the most blessed two people alive!

Also… I hope you all enjoyed my professional frozen pizza-making skills…haha! Those pizzas are lifesavers when my entire family comes over. We enjoy them coming over, but have to rely on the ready-made meals to serve so many!

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