
Monday, November 1, 2021

More wedding photos of Nathan and Esther

Since we shared Nathan and Esther's first wedding photo on October 25th, many have been asking for more. 
Esther's wedding dress was designed by Renee who has done many dresses for the Bates girls and daughter-in-law.
Nathan is the second son to be married.
Esther and Nathan both had their own grand entrance to the wedding. Nathan went by plane while Esther went by a carriage. 
After the wedding ceremony.
We love this photo of Esther and her dress.
It is now time to party.


  1. I wish them many years of happiness. I absolutely love her dress. Congratulations

  2. Beautiful photos, love the last one

  3. I love a wedding photo they look so happy bless them. Did Ginger and some other Duggers use Renee for their bridal gowns?


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