
Friday, June 11, 2021

Jadon's Nicu days: Update from Whitney

We have an update on baby J to share with you all. We know that Zach and Whitney would love if you said a little prayer for Jadon. 
We want to thank you all so much for the many prayers you have prayed for little Jadon and for your words of support and encouragement. ❤️ We want to give a quick update on his condition. Last night, little J had a rough night. His oxygen levels continued dropping, and his right lung collapsed. They intubated and put him on a ventilator. He has a little chest tube on the side of his chest for the collapse. We called family and prayed, and thankfully God heard the many prayers going up! 🙌🏼 Today, Jadon has been steadily improving throughout the day, and he looks so much more peaceful. Watching him struggle to breathe the past couple days has been so heartbreaking, but now to see the turnaround this morning was a miracle! We are incredibly grateful for East Tennessee Children’s Hospital and for all of the work they have poured into our baby boy. We have been blessed with the kindest doctors and nurses who are always smiling, always willing to take the time to explain every step, and they even stopped to pray with us in the scary moments. 🤍 Times like these really show us how big our God is and how fragile and small we really are. They also make us very grateful for the people God places in our life that encourage us during those difficult times. As you continue praying for Jadon, we do ask that you also remember all of the other families here at Children’s Hospital that are facing tragedies and difficult times in their lives as well. We love you all and grateful for each one of you. ✨


  1. Sending many prayers.. Jesus touch little Jadon and heal him and all the little ones around the world that are ill or hurting, wrap your arms around the family and comfort them and their
    child. In Jesus name Amen

  2. Praying for Jadon and your family, as well as for wisdom and knowledge for the Drs & nurses caring for him! #Godcan

  3. I know this is breaking your heart as tears swell in my eyes reading and seeing your precious little. God has got this!! Prayers for all the suffering everywhere.

  4. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 for that little guy and your family ! God Bless him ! ❤❤❤❤❤

  5. Praying for baby Jadon and family. As well and the doctors and nurses watching over him

  6. So many prayers for Jadon. Sweet baby. Gods got this!

  7. sending my love and prayers for baby jadon. ������������

  8. Prayers continue for Jason Carl, & You Zach as well, We know Our God can do whatever baby J needs him to. Strong Prayers, Gentle Hugs headed your way! 💖💖💖🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  9. Many, many prayers for all the little ones and their families❤️❤️

  10. Praying for Jadon and family💙

  11. Prayers for baby J. We love you


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