
Thursday, April 29, 2021

Recap: 'Tis the Season for Surprises

 Katie spends some time with Ellie, Callie and Addallee and show them how to curl their hair. Addee reveals that it's going to be sad when Katie leaves. She is going to be crying for the whole week after.

Zach arrives to the big house to help the boys hang Christmas Lights. Nathan arrives with Esther to introduce her to the family. Zach reveals that Esther seems like a very sweet girl and she loves Nathan a lot. He also reveals that it seems like Nathan loves her alot too so he was super excited to watch them roll in. Esther is also from a big family so she feels right at home with the Bates family right now. 

The couples gather for a bonfire. John and Alyssa are in town so everyone is together. Nathan and Esther share how they met. Nathan reveals that Esther has the bluest eyes that he has ever seen. The couple started texting and calling about a week later, Nathan said that he wanted to be more than friends. Nathan reveals that it was a year ago so going public with his family is like going public with the world.

Over at Zach and Whitney's house, the kids help decorate gingerbread men or rather genderbread men. Josie, Kelton, and Willow have a photoshoot to reveal the gender of their second baby.

The family gathers for their Christmas celebration expect for Bobby and Tori's family. Bobby and Tori are not able to attend the family's celebration. Taryn Yager takes outdoor family photos. After the group photo, the reveals start. Kelton and Josie hand over an ornament to Kelton's father that reveals "baby Girl: Hazel Sloane Balka.

Zach and Whitney hand his and Whitney's parents a box of gingerbread men with no icing. Kelly ask where the color is and Zach apologizes and brings out the blue gingerbread men.

Erin makes a big announcement on Bobby and Tori's behalf. She gives her parents a placard that says "making room for a new little one: Charlotte Raine.

Tori reveals that Bobby will be a good girl dad but she can't say that she will be a good girl mom but she will try her hardest.

Nathan reveals that Christmas is a magical time of year. He also adds that he can't wait for every Christmas to come since he is confident that they are going to be with Esther.

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