
Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Baby Balka #2

Kelton and Josie just shared some news and we know that they will always appreciate prayers.
The couple found out that they were expecting their second child due in March 2021 however the pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. 
Kelton and Josie know that their baby is in heaven with Kelton's mom, Josie's four siblings, Chad and Erin's three little ones, and Zach and Whitney's little one


  1. Prayers for gentle healing through this sad loss.

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss, and from a great-grandma's standpoint my heart hurts for you. We lost a great granddaughter at 23 weeks 4 years ago and I still think of her and who she would look like, but as with you, we know she's playing at the feet of Jesus and we'll see her again some day. My prayers & thoughts are with all of you. God Bless..

  3. Lifting you in prayer as you walk through this difficult time. Lean on Jesus...🙏🏼❤️

  4. I’m so, so sorry for your loss. There are rally no words to say to make this any easier. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  5. Kelton and Josie, I am s o sorry for your loss. I know the pain. My prayers are with you and the family.

  6. Please know of my prayers for you

  7. Mrs. Marilyn R DashiellSeptember 9, 2020 at 11:50 PM

    Rest on Him. Take it one day at a time.


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