
Thursday, May 7, 2020

Recap: Taking Care of Business and Florida Fun

Gil is trying to keep the tree business going while he is recovering from his surgery. He has enlist helped from his sons. Their job for the day is to cut down a tall pine tree. Lawson wants to ride the cherry picker bucket because it's something that he has never done. Nathan ends up filling the role. Nathan says that it's pretty cool being able to enjoy the boys and working.
Chad and Erin talk about how they are planning to fit all four kids in one bedroom. Gil reveals that they only had one little bedroom house and then moved into a two bedroom. They were like eight kids in an 800-square-foot house. When Holland moves into the kids room at five or six months old, Everly will transition into the trundle bed that pulls out of the bunk bed. Erin says that they hope to find a new house very soon so Carson can have his own room. Erin says that she loves the small house and it's been easy to organize but wants to get an extra bedroom and bathroom. The couple is open to flip an old house with charm and possible property to build on.
Gil and Kelly arrive in Florida to visit John and Alyssa. Kelly brings the girls crafts while Gil brings princess dresses. Gil cooks with Zoey in the play kitchen while Kelly does crafts with Allie and Lexi.
Michaella says that her father would play with the kids while her mom cook dinner at 5pm. Gil says that he remembers when people that were older would get down to his level and that spoke volumes to him
The group heads to walk downtown. Gil gets a haircut from John's barber, Earl. Earl is deaf but Gil is able to use a little bit of sign language that his father taught him. John revealed that Earl has always cut his hair expect for one time. He said that he would never again. John grow up with Earl's kids. John and Alyssa have been teaching their children sign language.
After the haircut, they head to have a picnic which was prepared by Alyssa. Kelly says that they would carry everything to the table and plop it in. She adds whatever container that it came in was the container that you were going to eat out of it. Alyssa manages to decorate the table.
During the lunch, they talk about Alyssa's heart problems and her two surgeries. Kelly says that the heart issues that Alyssa had, she was most likely born with it and did not show up until her pregnancy with Zoey.
The first surgery had fail but the second one was successful. Alyssa is now having symptoms of Afib. Alyssa says that her heart is just more sensitive and she is noticing more and it's not something that is life threatening. John says that his wife is the strongest human that you will ever meet, much less the strongest woman that he knows. He adds that watching her battle the health issues and yet stay strong makes him a little wimp.

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