
Thursday, April 11, 2019

Recap: It’s a boy & maybe one more?

As many of you know that this episode of Bringing Up Bates was their mid-season finale. The network has yet to announce a return date but stay tune. Be sure to check out the first part of the mid-season where Tori has gone into labor.
Tori was hoping for an all-natural birth with baby Kade but she ends up taking an epidural so she can relax and sleep to enjoy the birth. She describes the epidural as heaven on earth.
Bobby reveals that it’s a rough feeling for him to see his wife in pain while giving birth to their child. He says that there is no way for you to give her assurance since today is the day and that you just must be there for her and understand how she is feeling.
Gi’s role at the birth is to be the prayer warrior since he is never in the room during the birth but near by in either the hallway or the lobby. Gil reveals that he and Everly were really close in communication with God because she was asleep during his prayers.
The nurse arrives to find out that Tori is at 10 centimeters which means that she can start pushing. Tori is a little worried that she is going to drop him. She reveals that she was so excited and terrified to meet her little boy. It felt that it was an eternity pushing and then all the sudden he is there. The doctor lays the baby on her chest and Tori is relieved and shares a sweet moment with her and Bobby.
Bobby says that there is going to be significance in his life now with everything that Kade will be looking up to him. Kelly, Erin and Carlin enjoy the moment too. Kade wrapped his hand and wrapped it around Erin’s hand and she melt.
Tori is moved into a different room where she will be staying until released from the hospital as Gil and Everly come to meet the newest grandchild of the Bates family.
Six weeks have gone by and the family is gather for their Christmas party where they introduce Kade to everyone. Tori says that her son stole the show.
Gil and Kelly have a surprise for the kids and they open a present that has a dog bowl in it. They got a new puppy name JJ as a family pet. The last animal that they had recently passed away and his name was Johnny.
Brandon and Michaella decided to make gingerbread houses with the grandbabies. Michaella feels that she is in her element.
 Kelton and Josie arrive later that day since they are busy at work. They give Gil and Kelly a gift which contains a baby onesie that reveals that Baby Balka is EST 2019. They are having the 10th grandchild in July 2019. Both of the expectant parents are shocked since they just got married not too long ago. Josie says that they weren’t expecting to get pregnant so fast. She is excited but terrified.
Nathan says that now that his little sister is expecting her first child, it makes you wonder what he is doing with his life.
Gil is so excited about the new grandbaby and can’t wait to meet it.

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