
Thursday, October 12, 2017

Meet the newest member!

We are so excited to share that Bradley got his puppy for his upcoming third birthday. 

The puppy is eight weeks old and doesn't have a name yet. So be sure to leave your name suggestions down below.


  1. I think Patch might be a cute name as he has multiple patches of different color. But no matter what his name turns out to be, he is adorable!! 😀

  2. He looks so little to be already 3. Love the picture. A boy and his puppy.

  3. Male or female? Also, this is the cutest pooch I've ever seen! <3

  4. Nothing in this world as cute as a boy and his 🐕.

  5. Gunner or Hunter. Beagles are the best!

  6. Lucky...because they both are lucky to have a friend for life!!

  7. I think it would be nice if you name the puppy if it is a boy then Buddy would be nice and if it is a girl it would be nice to name her Bella but whatever you guys decide to name the puppy I am sure it would be cute .may god bless everyone in your family and keep everyone safe always

  8. Digger is a good name for Bradley's puppy.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. We will try our best to answer to each comment but due to the amount of comments that we receive, we can only do our best.