
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Preview: Fire Trucks and Diaper Dumps

We have two episode previews for you all. Now that we are in the month of March, be sure to check out our March monthly preview.

Exclusive First Look
March 1, 2017
Catch a sneak peek of the upcoming episode of Bringing Up Bates, Fire Trucks and Diaper Dumps.

Fire Trucks  and Diaper Dumps
March 2, 2017
The Bates household faces an unexpected emergency when a house fire erupts in the laundry room; Kelly Jo spends some quality time with Michaela in Chicago, before they depart for Alyssa's baby shower in Florida; Alyssa's Diaper Pounding.

1 comment:

  1. Praise God know one was hurt in the house fire, my family has some very nice clothes that are hardly been worn that our son has he is does physical theraphy from home to home and has nice clothing. We would like to donate them to the Bates family if they would like to have them. I can be contacted at or Thank you and again we praise God for no lost lives.


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