
Friday, September 30, 2016

Recap: Meet Kaci Lynn Bates!

The little Bates family are eagerly waiting the birth of Kaci Lynn in a few weeks. Whitney revealed that she is counting down the days. She loves going into her room and talking to Bradley about her. The family heads to the park to get their maternally photos done by Taryn Yager, who's pregnant with her third child. She has done the photos for the fam since Carson's newborn photo shoot.
Whitney reflects on both her pregnancies. With Bradley, she was sick for 41 weeks and with Kaci, she was barely sick.
Whitney can't wait to see the relationship with Bradley and his little sister. Zach is excited to having the kids so close since he and Michaella were close in age and did everything together. Gil says that Zach and Michaella are best friends to this day.
Lawson is having a special guest come over to the house with his family. AJ has many brain tumors and have gone through 40 treatments. Gil and Lawson take AJ and his family fishing. AJ manages to catch some fishes and has had a lot of fun with his friend.
Whitney takes Bradley to go check on Kaci. Dr Vick reveals that the baby is breech and needs to be flip however if she doesn't then they need to do a c-section or spin her from the outside. Whitney is scared to have a c-section but knows they need to have trust in the Lord.
Zach and Whit head back to check on their unborn daughter and found that she is still breech. Zach says that his daughter is stubborn like the rest of the family. They are not sure if she wil flip on her own.
To pass the waiting, Zach and Whitney head to decorate the nursery for both kids. They also pack a hospital bag before Whit goes into labor. Zach was a little nervous about the labor according to both Whitney and Gil.
Chad and Erin bring over Bradley's new bed and he loves it. Chad is so happy that Bradley loves his big boy bed.
Zach and Whitney head to the hospital to get Kaci flipped around. Bradley heads over to his pawpaw by uncle Lawson. Carlin heads to the couple's house to be there for the couple. Her mother and Kelly are there for Kaci's arrival. Whitney is taken into another room to get Kaci flip with her husband by her side. Dr Vick says that he will work on flipping Kaci for ten minutes but if it doesn't work then he will go into a c-section. Kaci manages to flip within one second with Dr. Vick's help. Kaci is born at 10:32pm and meets her big brother. Zach is overjoyed with his second child.
The next morning, the rest of the family arrives to meet Kaci and take a photo of her. Gil is happy that his granddaughter is here and that so many people love and want to be there for her.

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