
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December 2015

Welcome to a brand new month for the Bates family.

* Tori Bates- Decmeber 21st
* Zach Bates- December 30th

Wedding anniversary:
* Zach and Whitney- December 14th
* Gil and Kelly- December 19th
* Brandon and Michaella's fourth month of marriage

All about Grandbabies:
* Allie turns 8 months old
* Carson turns 7 months old
* Bradley turns 14 months old

 Bringing Up Bates:
*  One month until the return
* 4 weeks to go
* 3 weeks to go
* 2 weeks to go
* 1 week to go

Other fun blogs we have planned:  
* Merry Christmas
* Christmas Eve
* Baby Allie's first Christmas
* Baby Carson's first Christmas
* New Years Eve
* January Cover photo

1 comment:

  1. when are we supposed to hear about the mystery girl that Lawson Bates mentioned in the season finale.


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