
Monday, April 6, 2015

31 weeks pregnant

We got nine short weeks until Carson arrives. Erin is still doing the shots that she has to do every day of her pregnancy. She doesn't like needles but she knows it's best for their child.

Here is a new photo of Erin's baby bump as of Sunday!  


  1. This is not her first baby! She has an Angel baby that was/is her first! This will be her 2nd baby!

    1. Hi Angie,
      Actually we have it right. This one will be their first born son.Erin actually miscarried three other babies not one.

    2. I am so happy for you guys! Y'all sure are a blessing to watch :)

  2. Actually she lost 3 before Carson

  3. Since Chad is so multitalented, is he making any of the nursery furniture for their son?

  4. Congratulations to John and Alyssa! What a blessing. Now looking forward to baby Carson. Can hardly wait! Bless you all.

  5. I don't like needles either dear Erin but I pray every day for you ..for courage and strength to do what you need to . Praying also for a complete full term easy birth . Keep up the good work dear you'd great .God bless you both


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