
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Recap: Welcome Grandbaby Bates

Zach and Whitney are due with Bradley in 12 days and they are both excited and nervous about having their first child. They decided that it's time to go clothes shopping where they learn that they have different taste. Bradley's room is not ready and so Zach enlist his brother-in-law Chad to come and help with Bradley's room.
Meanwhile, Gil and Kelly are having a video chat with John and Alyssa who are also expecting their first child this spring. Katie and Josie revealed that they can barely get a word in to talk to their older sister.
Kelly and Whitney go out for lunch where Kelly brings Zach's baby gift and gives it Whitney as a baby gift. Kelly reads an entry where Zach is two and half. Kelly remembers when she was teach Zach to have patience.
Kelly is so excited to be at the grandmother stage of life. She reveals that she is going to love being a grandmother.
Chad and Erin decided that it's time to reveal to her parents that they are expecting. Erin reveals that the pregnancy is high risk due to the fact that Erin has had three miscarriage. Chad and Erin are hoping that they can keep it a secret for a few more weeks but the word gets out.
On the day that Bradley is due, a few of girls decided to take a walk and hope that it gets her into labor since it worked on Kelly. Later that night, her contractions starts and she remains calm but not Zach. Gil and Kelly come over with some of the kids and decided that it's a false alarm.
A week after her due date, Dr Vick, wants to start labor and Whitney checks into the hospital and gets started on Pitosin. Whitney decides that she wants to get her water broken. Kelly reveals that it was hard for her to watch and tears up seeing her daughter-in-law in pain.
Whitney decides hat she wants to get an epidural  and at 9:30 pm she is only 7-8. Many of their family come over to visit while they wait. Bradley is born on October 29th and is doing great. The family passes the baby around.

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